UPH Eagles Swimming strikes again!


Eagles Swimming led by Student Athlete of the year, Christina Sugiono and freshmen Kevin Valiant Kostaman, strikes few good swim at LIMA Swimming series in UPI campus, Bandung.
Christina, majoring in Business Math grabs 2 gold medals from 50 & 100 breastroke respectively. Kevin, an accounting major Freshmen took 3 silvers from 50, 100 Backstroke and 50 fly.
Eagles Ladies relay also add 2 silvers from 4×100 free & IM relays, whilst Eliza Delanira grab bronze in backstroke events.

Eagles Swimming head coach, Vera Haryanto adds “this year team should be stronger than last year. We are adding some strong Freshmen and new recruits as well. Season has just started and we are aiming to win few Golds at our home base in LISCA next November”

Christina Sugiono also elected as the ALL ACADEMIC SWIMMER of the year award since she has the highest GPA amongst other swimmers in the league. This will be the additional positive news for Eagles Swimming since they are building up the team as this is only its 3rd year since it was established

Better, Stronger, Smarter
Go Eagles!

Penyelenggaraan SEAPMasters Indonesia Series 2014 Sukses Meningkatkan Gairah Renang di Jakarta & Indonesia

SEAPMasters Indonesia Series - June 1st 2014

Pada tanggal 1 Juni 2014, 1st Indonesia SEAP (South East Asia Pacific) Masters Indonesia Series 2014 sukses digelar di kolam renang Jakarta International School. Lebih dari 325 peserta dari berbagai kota di Indonesia turut berpartisipasi di berbagai kategori umur, termasuk peserta dari beberapa komunitas renang Masters dari Singapura dan Australia. Sebanyak 19 komunitas dari berbagai latar belakang yang aktif dalam olahraga renang menjadi bagian dari inagurasi SEAPmasters Indonesia Series 2014.

Kemenangan bukan tujuan utama yang hendak dicapai oleh para peserta, namun berbagi dan berbaur dengan sesama penggemar olahraga akuatik. Maria Subagyo, seorang instruktor renang dan orangtua perenang, mengungkapkan bahwa alasannya mengikuti kegiatan ini adalah untuk memotivasi teman-temannya agar merasakan suasana kompetisi yang menyenangkan. “Selain itu, saya juga ingin menguji kemampuan di usia saya yang sudah tidak muda lagi,” ujarnya. Di kompetisi ini, Maria turun di tiga kategori lomba yaitu 25 meter gaya punggung, 100 meter gaya ganti perorangan dan 50 meter gaya kupu-kupu.

Peserta lainnya, Harlin Rahardjo, seorang pelari dan perenang, berharap acara serupa dapat diadakan secara rutin di Jakarta dan kota-kota lain. “Saya sangat senang bisa bertemu dengan teman-teman baru dan berkompetisi. Suasananya sangat luar biasa, baik dari para peserta dan penonton. Acara seperti ini harus terus diadakan.”

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INAMasters with its JAQ Triathlon (JAQ 3) launched its first triathlon team during Bintan Triathlon 2014


Through this initiative, JAQ is now officially trying to cater the demand of growing communities and Triathlon enthusiasts in Indonesia and region.

Coming from a strong aquatic background, team JAQ 3 participated in Olympic Distance Relay. Ramzy Widodo, an OWS specialist led the whole pack of relay team with a scorching pace of 20:22 and fastest swimmer overall in Bintan triathlon. Our cyclist: Ayuningrum Kusdarini (1:21:40) and runner: Yonathan Condro (45:29) finished 4threspectively out of 28 teams.


AQ 3 swimming session is run at Lebak Bulus aquatic center every Saturday, and for pro and competitive swimmers: Tuesday and Thursday Morning at Simprug Aquatic center. There are numerous pro runners and also ironman preps athlete are now train with Team JAQ 3.

For more info: info@jaqswim.com

Bintan Triathlon 2014 Photos on our Flickr (click here)

Swimming for All – Why not?

Why Seniors Should Learn to Swim – It’s Never Too Late to Learn a Helpful Skill

Could there be anything more silly than a senior citizen learning to swim? As a former Red Cross Water Safety instructor, my answer would be that the only thing sillier is for seniors to give up on the opportunity to learn how to swim.While much of my instructional time has been spent with young people, I also have had the opportunity to teach seniors who were either total novices or had very little water experience. Teaching those individuals quickly convinced me that there are at least five important reasons why seniors should learn to swim.To begin with, most seniors share a common concern for their physical and mental well-being. Common knowledge today suggests that moderate physical activity can deliver a positive boost to both physical and mental well-being. Exercise is almost universally approved as a means to help folks actively attack problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity. Experience tells us all that improved physical health can often simultaneously cast a positive glow on your mental and emotional state.

Unlike other exercise options, swimming is a low-impact activity. Learning to swim will allow you to help your heart and lungs without pounding away at your joints. The good news is you don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer to get the benefits of swimming. Learning beginner-swimming skills like treading water, floating, the crawl stroke, or elementary kicks can give you confidence in the water and get you moving. With the assistance of flotation devices seniors can engage in health enhancing activity in shallow water almost from the start.

Of course, learning to swim can turn out to be more than just a healthy habit. When people cross the line into their senior years, they often give consideration to at least a mental list of things they wish they had done but somehow never found the time to do. Did you always wish you had learned to swim? If so, taking a few beginner swimming lessons and following up with your own regular swim routine may allow you to feel a certain sense of accomplishment as you check something quite challenging off that list.

Taking the step to sign up for swimming lessons and learning the basics needed to swim on your own, with lifeguard present, can put you in position to encounter a whole collection of people you might never have met otherwise. Perhaps they will be beginners like you or maybe they will be more advanced swimmers who can even give you a few tips. When you take up an activity you have never done before the odds are always very good that you will meet some new people

As someone who has been a swimmer for more than half a century, I can promise that learning to swim is likely to do more than improve your health, let you reduce your bucket list by one or have a chance to socialize. Swimming has the potential to give you relaxation and joy. The feeling of your body floating is not duplicated in any other sport. More often than not you will leave the water fully refreshed. It’s an experience worth working towards.

What may finally move you to get up off the couch and check in to a local health club for your first swimming lesson could be your desire to be the best grandparent possible. Knowing how to swim and knowing how to help children stay safe in the water are skills that certainly add to any grandparent’s portfolio.

Don’t be surprised if once you get started swimming, you think of two or three more reasons why seniors should learn to swim and become a swim advocate among your peers.

added from an article of voices.yahoo.com

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